Overcrowding at the border 

This scene setter provides a wide angle view of the experience of individuals/ families who have created shelter along the border as they experience various challenges in the waiting process. Spaces like this, although crowded and sometimes unsanitary, are developed by the people as a refuge to the political, and economic state of their country. This image is a scene setter as well because it aims to capture the sheer magnitude of people affected by the migrant crisis, attempting to survive these inhumane conditions to try and have  chance at life and opportunities. Additionally new policies have made it increasingly difficult for people to stay with border patrol having to pressure or threaten forced removals. 

Law enforcement detention

This medium shot offers a perspective of how law enforcement is addressing these issues. Beyond removals, they are also expected to manage and detain individuals who have crossed the Rio Grande.Framing is a significant piece here as it emphasizes the rising political and social tensions between border patrols and their maintenance of authority and its impact on individuals. This is also a dimension of immigration that is often overlooked because of what receives more coverage, including things like the legal proceedings and deportations. 

Close up personal experience 

This image is a portrait of a mother holding her child where the close up truly captures her anguish and fear. Migration is a challenging and exhausting process that while risky, may be worth a sense of safety, especially for families and children. However, these fears are exacerbated through personalized vulnerability. Additionally, the framing truly captures the woman's expression, clearly depicting her fatigue and tense presence. The child may also be naive but clearly understands that something major is wrong even if he is unable to process what's going on. On the other hand, the broader context isn't explained to recognize what is causing her to flee with her child, but it also gets people to consider that It is likely to create a better, and safer life for her and her child. 

Detail shot- missing items on the trip

This image is a detail shot capturing the extent of the risk that migrants are taking on this journey, even risking their lives. Not only are the conditions of this voyage difficult, with challenging terrains and deserts, but also people are easily losing items such as there shoes and clothing, even children along these paths. This type of an image truly portrays the losses, dangers, and challenges of those willing to endure this in order to seek asylum. Although it again doesn't recognize the person's individual story, or provide context that would allow a viewer to apprehend that this was a migrants difficult journey that forced them to relinquish their possessions.  

This action shot- advocacy of protesters

This is a group of protesters rallied at the capitol which are advocating for refugees and immigration policy. Their advocacy for healthcare and employment is encouraging both humane treatment and access to resources for those who are struggling. This also develops ideas around the political discourse around what justice truly means and who it is provided, capturing these stern faces and demanding posters.


Ultimately these images provide a powerful story line about both the individual challenges and humanitarian crisis at play as people navigate social, political, and legal difficulties. If this was arranged differently, such as first highlighting the political advocacy it may have insinuated more of the political challenges and policy behind it, or if it started with the portrait of the mother, it may have highlighted more of an emotional appeal. The main ethical consideration of visual storytelling is likely the accurate representation and respect of their struggle or privacy. Although it Is important to document, it can carry other personal implications and dehumanize individuals further. However, visual storytelling is also a powerful tool to capture individual stories, create perceptions and perspectives and encourage debate and conversation surrounding these unique types of images.With technological advancements, It's likely that we may get better quality scene setters from drones, or AI which may be accurate or not to represent these types of humanitarian crises.